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The Co-Op Fund Dilemma:What 146,832 Data Points Tell Us About Channel Marketing

71% of Partners Experience Difficulty Using Co-Op Funds – Here’s Why If you run a co-op program for affiliates, you know that dealing with unspent funds is too common. You set up a strategic co-op program to incentivize spending, yet funds still sit on the shelf.

Chicago, IL ( Thursday Jun 15, 2023 @ 2:05 PM EDT

If one runs a co-op program for affiliates, they are aware that dealing with unspent funds is too common. They set up a strategic co-op program to incentivize spending, yet funds still sit on the shelf.

Why Partners Don't Spend
By adjusting your co-op program, you can empower partners, increase fund utilization, and achieve a higher return on investment. — Sarah Hennessy, Senior Director, Product Management

To better understand this dynamic, BrandMuscle surveyed 3,192 channel partners and analyzed 146,832 data points to explore the behavior of local partners and the impact their actions have on revenue.

The Co-Op Funds Report reveals that 71% of partners need help using co-op funds effectively, resulting in missed opportunities for revenue growth. This report is the third in The State of Local Marketing series and dives into the reasons behind underutilization and provides actionable solutions to increase partner fund usage.

Co-op funds are a vital resource for successful local marketing campaigns and provide affiliates with the financial means to promote brands and boost revenue.

According to the data, 64% of affiliates don’t take full advantage of their co-op funds, with 9% not using any allocated funds. This highlights a widespread issue within the local marketing landscape. Unspent funds are holding organizations back from growing channel partner revenues.

The reasons affiliates leave co-op funds untouched vary; it’s not one-size-fits-all. The good news? BrandMuscle has uncovered the best optimization program marketers need to get partners' spending, generate more sales, and see a return on their investment.

“By adjusting your co-op program, you can empower partners, increase fund utilization, and achieve a higher return on investment,” said Sarah Hennessy, Senior Director, Product Management. “Plus, it’s proven that co-op programs demonstrate a corporate commitment to partner success which leads to increased loyalty and engagement.”

Key insights revealed:

  • Partners who spend more experienced 46% more revenue growth.
  • 62% of affiliates have access to co-op programs.
  • 55% of partners question whether co-op funds are worth their time.
Dive into The Co-Op Funds Report: Why Partners Don’t Spend to address the underutilization of co-op funds, see what you can do to maximize affiliate potential, and increase your partnerships across the local marketing landscape.

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About BrandMuscle

BrandMuscle makes channel marketing easy by empowering brands to activate and amplify local markets with award-winning services and SaaS. Our flexible ecosystem of solutions helps brands drive revenue through local affiliates and protects businesses against legal, fiduciary, and other compliance risks. The BrandMuscle platform pairs cutting-edge technology with proven marketing services to support highly regulated verticals.

More than 1.5M local businesses seamlessly scale corporate branding, messaging, and demand generation with our tools that engage customers and increase ROI. With our robust ecosystem, you can address every aspect of local channel marketing and unleash hyper-local activation for affiliates.

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